Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 5 Report

Here's me, my last indulgence before beginning the Paleo Challenge!  Man it was delicious!  Asada burrito w/o onions and with cheese, sour cream and guacamole.  Yum.

Since then, my meals have looked much more like this: 
with a side of: 
 Also Yum!

Over all, I feel great about the paleo diet.  I still miss delicious dairy and other convenient things.  But my body feels good.  We worked out for about 3 hours on Saturday, I took Sunday off (first in 7 days) and have done cross fit and some cardio every day since.  This week, I have NOT been sore.  Last week, by day 4/5 of crossfit (w/o running etc) I was SUPER sore every day.  So, maybe I'm getting stronger, or eating real food replenishes my body much faster.  Maybe both.

My most proud accomplishments are (besides general learning to cook and grocery shop for real food, that doesn't come in a premade package) learning fancy things like: 
  1. making roasted garlic
  2. making fire roasted peppers
  3. getting quality meat for the next week or so, for >60% off
Okay, maybe the last owne isn't so fancy, but when your food budget is lowered by changing the contents of your cupboard & fridge, I was pretty stoked.

I think I may survive the next 23 days... 

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