Sunday, January 29, 2012

Some Observables!

Here I am! Half way through the this stupid paleo challenge.  I'm kinda used to this weird diet, and surprisingly not craving bread. At all.  Super weird. I would have some sort of bread with everything.  However, I do still think that everything I eat would be better with cheese.  (Probs some insight as to what will be added back to my diet first!)
Anyways, I have some things to report:

  1. Inflammation in my knee has gone WAY down!  Super exciting.  It doesn't bother me daily.  I have better range of motion. I went to a yoga class and was able to get into Eagle pose, which I haven't been able to do since I started yoga (post injury) from lack of flexibility.  After this success, I decided to try to move up on my box jumps at crossfit.  After shredding the 24in box for a couple of rounds, the coach told me to move up to the Rx at 30 inches.  Completed. Easy peasy. No pain. SUPER AWESOME!
  2. Beginning to be strong enough to add social outtings to my lifestyle.  Although I do miss Team Heckle's constant bombardment of encouragement. I went to a b-day BBQ.  I ate a bit before hand so I wouldn't ravish anything or eat any cheats.  It was a bit hilarious.  My plate was piled high with meats & salsa, while my husband had a bunch of other fluff on his.  I laughed in my head.  My office is trying to set up happy hour, and my husband is constantly offering me his 'treats.' He really sounds like the devil from the 80s children's cartoons, just always offering you a little temptation. Good thing I don't really like oreos that much.  Instead, I ordered girl scout cookies for a binge day TBD.
  3. I'm not hungry all the time anymore.  I eat a lot.  My husband actually ASKS for vegetables at dinner (OMG, WTF).  Even though I eat ~65% fat (which I think is pretty awesome) I can tell I've lost fat.  I agree with the Whole 30 ideas of not counting calories, weighing myself etc. I can tell I've slimmed down by the way my clothes fit. And the beginning of my abs showing through (as if that's not encouragement enough to continue).

Well, I haven't measured anything else yet, but so far, my observations aren't bad.  The only thing I have noticed, was after eating only meat for dinner trail running 5 miles the next day may be a little harsh.  I guess I should have had some more carbs when I got home.

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